1. Interpreting and assessing program financial performance using standard financial management systems.
2. Interpreting balance sheet and profit and loss statement results requiring the application of commercial budgeting techniques. 3. Experience infinancial management operations.
4. Ability to deal tactfully and effectively with all levels of the organization/serviced organizational elements.
5. Understanding of the substantive nature of the Army's Morale, Welfare,
and Recreation (MWR) and community and family support operating programs and their interrelationships and funding channels.
Best Qualified Criteria
1. Knowledge of and at least 3 years experience in Army Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) accounting and financial management - preferably in an Army NAF Financial Management Office. Knowledge should include review and management of Army NAF balance sheet accounts
2. Knowledge of and at least 3 years experience in Capital Purchase, Minor Construction (CPMC) and Annual Operating Budget (AOB) budgeting, execution and accounting.
3. Knowledge of and at least 3 years experience in Army NAF Financial Management automated systems to include SMIRF, FMBS, IMETs
4. Proficient in the use of Excel, Powerpoint, and familiar with Power BI
Referral lists are based on the qualifications stated in the job announcement. Your qualifications MUST be fully described in your resume. In describing your experience, be clear and specific. NO ASSUMPTIONS WILL BE MADE REGARDING YOUR EXPERIENCE.