Federal Government Jobs in Arroyo Grande, CA

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Food Service Worker (Child Development Center) Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 02/11/25 05/10/25
Child and Youth Program Assistant (Youth Programs) Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 02/11/25 02/20/25
INVESTIGATOR (SPECIAL AGENT) Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub Defense 02/10/25 02/20/25
Enforcement and Removal Assistant (OA) Santa Maria, CA Pub Homeland Security 02/09/25 02/14/25
Library Technician (Technical Services) Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 02/05/25 02/18/25
Consumer Safety Inspector Creston, CA Pub Agriculture 02/03/25 02/18/25
Sales Store Checker Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub Defense 02/02/25 03/23/25
Food Service Worker Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 01/13/25 03/03/25
Chemist Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 12/31/24 12/31/25
METEOROLOGIST Vandenberg AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 12/18/24 09/30/25

19 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page