Army Jobs

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Fitness Specialist (CYS) NF-03 SHAPE, Belgium Pub The Army 01/07/25 06/02/25
CYS Program Associate Technology Lab (CYS) NF-03 SHAPE, Belgium Pub The Army 01/07/25 06/02/25
CYS Program Associate Instructor NF-03 Brussels, Belgium Pub The Army 01/07/25 06/02/25
Supply Clerk (Vending Machine) NF-02 Stuttgart, Germany Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/15/25
Accounting Technician NF-03 Fort Campbell, TN Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/21/25
Accounting Technician NF-03 Fort Campbell, KY Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/21/25
Architect Rock Island, IL Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/21/25
Custodial Worker (CYS) NA-02 Fort Myer, VA Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/20/25
Lead Child and Youth Program Assistant (Level 5) CY-02 Fort Myer, VA Pub The Army 01/07/25 12/29/25
Program Operations Specialist (CYS) NF-04 Zama, Japan Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/22/25

1566 Jobs Found
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