Federal Government Jobs in Beaufort, SC

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Housing Management Specialist (Unaccompanied Housing & Single Sailor Programmer) Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/24/25 02/01/25
C & Y PROGRAM TECHNICIAN (GSE-05) CY2 Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/23/25 01/30/25
C & Y PROG ASST (GSE-02) CY1* SEASONAL Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/23/25 02/13/25
RECREATION ATTENDANT NF-1 Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/23/25 02/02/25
EDUCATION TECH NF-3 MCRD PARRIS ISLAND Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/23/25 02/04/25
Maintenance Worker Beaufort, SC Pub Defense 01/21/25 02/05/25
HYDROLOGIST Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/16/25 01/29/25
RECREATION ATTENDANT NF-1 Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/16/25 01/31/25
C & Y PROGRAM TECHNICIAN (GSE-05) CY2 Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/14/25 01/29/25
RECREATION ATTENDANT NF-1 Beaufort, SC Pub The Navy 01/14/25 01/28/25

22 Jobs Found
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