Federal Government Jobs in Deer Lodge, MT

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Maintenance Worker Butte, MT Pub The Interior 10/31/24 05/30/25
Range Technician Butte, MT Pub The Interior 10/28/24 05/30/25
Archeological Technician Butte, MT Pub The Interior 10/28/24 05/30/25
Electrician (Maint) Gold Creek, MT Pub Energy 10/22/24 10/21/25
Biological Science Tech (Plants) Butte, MT Pub The Interior 10/01/24 05/30/25
Administrative Support Assistant Butte, MT Pub The Interior 09/27/24 09/26/25
Social Services Assistant Anaconda, MT Pub Agriculture 09/15/24 02/25/25
Lead Social Services Assistant Anaconda, MT Pub Agriculture 09/15/24 02/25/25
Recreation Assistant Anaconda, MT Pub Agriculture 08/23/24 02/25/25
Lead Medical Technologist-Chemistry Fort Harrison, MT Pub Veterans Affairs 06/07/24 06/06/25

25 Jobs Found
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