Federal Government Jobs in Elkridge, MD

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Selective Placement Program (Noncompetitive Appointments for Applicants with Disabilities) Cabin John, MD Pub Legislative Branch 12/31/24 12/31/25
Deputy Assistant Director, Knowledge Services Group Washington, DC Pub Legislative Branch 12/27/24 02/21/25
Deputy Assistant Director, Knowledge Services Group Washington, DC Pub Legislative Branch 12/27/24 03/21/25
Administrative and Technical Support Specialist Washington DC, DC Pub Legislative Branch 12/12/24 02/24/25
Official Reporter (Stenographer) Washington DC, DC Pub Legislative Branch 12/02/24 02/15/25
Proofreader/Keyboarder Washington, DC Pub Legislative Branch 05/02/24 05/02/25
Materials Handler Washington, DC Pub Legislative Branch 04/10/24 04/10/25
Attorney Advisor (General) Washington, DC Pub Legislative Branch 04/10/24 04/09/25
Special Counsel to the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals (13/14/15) Washington, DC Pub Non-Departmental Agency 02/12/25 02/26/25
Arraignment Courtroom Clerk Washington, DC Pub Non-Departmental Agency 02/12/25 02/26/25

697 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page