Federal Government Jobs in Fabens, TX

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Veterinary Medical Officer (Clinical Care) NF-04 Fort Bliss, TX Pub The Army 08/23/24 03/18/25
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Fabens, TX Pub Homeland Security 03/10/25 03/17/25
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC El Paso, TX Pub Homeland Security 03/10/25 03/17/25
Senior Social Worker (MH Intensive Case Management) - EDRP & Recruitment/Relocation Authorized El Paso, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 02/28/25 03/17/25
Assistant Buisness Manager (Bingo) NF 03 Fort Bliss, TX Pub The Army 02/28/25 03/14/25

45 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page