Federal Government Jobs in Glen Jean, WV

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Training Instructor (Vocational Training Instructor-Dog Trainer) Alderson, WV Pub Justice 03/27/25 04/10/25
Clinical Psychologist (Specialty Program Coordinator – Resolve) Alderson, WV Pub Justice 03/27/25 04/10/25
Clinical Psychologist (Drug Abuse Program Coordinator) Alderson, WV Pub Justice 03/26/25 04/09/25
Health Technician (Paramedic) Alderson, WV Pub Justice 03/25/25 04/08/25
Engineering Equipment Operator (Seasonals) Glen Jean, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/16/25
Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) Lansing, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/30/25
Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) Beaver, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/30/25
Maintenance Worker (Trails) (Seasonal) Glen Jean, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/19/25
Maintenance Worker (Trails) (Seasonal) Glen Jean, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/20/25
Laborer (Trails) (Seasonal) Glen Jean, WV Pub The Interior 02/23/25 05/19/25

27 Jobs Found
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