Federal Government Jobs in Houma, LA

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Marine Inspector Morgan City, LA Pub Homeland Security 02/21/25 03/02/25
Marine Inspector Houma, LA Pub Homeland Security 02/21/25 03/02/25
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Houma, LA Pub The Navy 02/18/25 02/17/26
ELECTRONICS ENGINEER Houma, LA Pub The Navy 01/28/25 01/28/26
QA SPECIALIST (SHIP BUILDING) Amelia, LA Pub The Navy 11/26/24 11/25/25
ELECTRICAL ENGIEER Houma, LA Pub The Navy 11/01/24 10/31/25
GENERAL ENGINEER Houma, LA Pub The Navy 10/22/24 10/22/25

7 Jobs Found
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