Federal Government Jobs in Lancaster, OH

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Transportation Security Officer Columbus, OH Pub Homeland Security 10/03/24 01/30/25
Transportation Security Officer Columbus, OH Pub Homeland Security 10/03/24 01/30/25
SECRETARY (OA) Whitehall, OH Pub Defense 01/16/25 01/29/25
Physician - Neurologist Columbus, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 01/14/25 01/29/25
Licensed Practical Nurse - Cardiology Columbus, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 01/17/25 01/27/25
Senior Social Worker Lancaster, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 01/16/25 01/27/25
Secretary (Office Automation) Columbus, OH Pub The Army 01/16/25 01/27/25
IT SPECIALIST (APPSW) Whitehall, OH Pub Defense 01/13/25 01/27/25
IT CYBERSECURITY SPECIALIST (INFOSEC) Columbus, OH Pub Defense 01/12/25 01/27/25
SUPERVISORY ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN Whitehall, OH Pub Defense 01/10/25 01/23/25

48 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page