Federal Government Jobs in Lexington, MO

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
AIRCRAFT ORDNANCE SYSTEMS MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 06/25/24 06/24/25
AIRCRAFT PNEUDRAULIC SYSTEMS MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 06/07/24 06/06/25
GENERAL ENGINEER Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 10/15/24 09/30/25
HEALTH TECHNICIAN (TITLE 32) Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Army 08/23/24 08/22/25
Human Resources Assistant (12 Month Register) Lees Summit, MO Pub The Treasury 08/08/24 06/10/25
HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST (MILITARY) (TITLE 32) Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 08/09/24 08/08/25
Laborer Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 02/12/25 03/05/25
Lead Recreation Assistant (Lead Lifeguard) Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 01/27/25 02/25/25
Meatcutting Worker Whiteman AFB, MO Pub Defense 02/21/25 03/03/25
Mobile Equipment Servicer Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Air Force 01/27/25 02/27/25

22 Jobs Found
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