Federal Government Jobs in Mandeville, LA

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT (RECRUITMENT & PLACEMENT/OA) Stennis Space Center, MS Pub The Navy 12/18/24 12/26/24
Mariner Training Auditor Compliance Specialist Mandeville, LA Pub Homeland Security 12/06/24 12/27/24
FIRST ASSISTANT ENGINEER DIESEL Orleans County, LA Pub The Army 12/03/24 12/31/24
Bindery Machine Operator Stennis Space Center, MS Pub Government Publishing Office 12/02/24 12/01/25
Bindery Machine Operator (Production Technician) Stennis Space Center, MS Pub Government Publishing Office 11/18/24 11/17/25
Printing Plant Worker (Security Room) Stennis Space Center, MS Pub Government Publishing Office 11/14/24 11/13/25
TEST ADMINISTRATOR Covington, LA Pub The Army 03/31/24 12/31/24

7 Jobs Found
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