Federal Government Jobs in New Brockton, AL

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Social Worker (Substance Abuse) Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 05/02/24 04/30/25
Social Worker (Family Advocacy) Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 09/26/24 09/25/25
MILITARY PAY TECHNICIAN Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 10/08/24 01/07/25
Physican (Family Practice) Fort Novosel, AL Pub Defense 11/20/24 01/10/25
Security Guard Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 11/26/24 02/25/25
Police Officer Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 12/03/24 02/03/25
Attorney-Adviser (Labor) Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 12/23/24 01/07/25
Mechanical Engineer Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 12/25/24 01/07/25
Bowling Facility Maintenance Worker (Laborer) NA-03 Fort Novosel, AL Pub The Army 12/30/24 01/07/25
Program Technician New Brockton, AL Pub Agriculture 12/31/24 01/07/25

21 Jobs Found
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