Federal Government Jobs in Newington, VA

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Supervisory Transportation Operations Specialist (Deputy Associate Director) (Open to both U.S. Citizens and Federal Employees) Washington, DC Pub Transportation 01/16/25 01/29/25
Plumbing Worker Gaithersburg, MD Pub Commerce 01/16/25 01/29/25
Construction Control Representative Washington, DC Pub Non-Departmental Agency 01/16/25 01/29/25
Chief Counsel to the Inspector General Washington, DC Pub Energy 01/16/25 01/29/25
Financial Manager Washington, DC Pub The Treasury 01/16/25 01/29/25
Nuclear Engineer (Deputy Program Manager Commissioned Submarines) Washington, DC Pub Energy 01/16/25 01/29/25
Supervisory Transportation Industry Analyst (Open to both U.S. Citizens and Federal Employees) Washington, DC Pub Transportation 01/16/25 01/29/25
National Bank Examiner/Bank Examiner (Bank Information Technology), NB-0570-V Washington, DC Pub The Treasury 01/14/25 01/29/25
Lead Management Analyst Washington, DC Pub Justice 01/14/25 01/29/25
Realty Specialist Washington DC, DC Pub The Interior 01/13/25 01/29/25

1020 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page