Federal Government Jobs in North Pole, AK

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physician - Psychiatrist Fairbanks, AK Pub Veterans Affairs 01/29/25 02/13/25
Physical Therapy Assistant Fort Wainwright, AK Pub Defense 12/19/24 02/04/25
PHYSICAL SCIENTIST (ENVIRONMENTAL) Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 10/28/24 09/30/25
Physical Scientist Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 12/31/24 12/31/25
Pharmacist Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 12/31/24 12/31/25
Park Ranger (Interpretation) Fairbanks, AK Pub The Interior 10/25/24 02/28/25
Nurse (Emergency Department) Fort Wainwright, AK Pub Defense 01/30/25 02/06/25
NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTER Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 01/23/25 01/22/26
MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 07/19/24 05/16/25
Mobile Equipment Servicer Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 01/23/25 02/24/25

117 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page