Federal Government Jobs in Olmito, TX

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Neurologist w/Recruitment/Relocation Incentive-EDRP Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 12/23/24 04/30/25
Physician Chief Pathology and Laboratory Service - Recruitment and Relocation Incentive Authorized Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 12/18/24 12/16/25
Surgical Technician Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 10/23/24 10/22/25
Physician (Chief - Pain Management) with Recruitment/Relocation Incentive/EDRP Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 08/31/24 06/12/25
Physician-Urologist-EDRP Authorized - Recruitment/Relocation Incentive Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 07/03/24 05/14/25
Physician (Gastroenterologist) with Recruitment/Relocation Incentive-EDRP Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 07/02/24 05/01/25
Staff Psychologist (HBPC) - EDRP/RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 04/30/24 02/14/25
Blind Rehab Outpatient Specialist Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 04/10/24 04/08/25
Senior Social Worker (BHIP Treatment Facilitator) - EDRP/Recruitment Incentive Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 03/01/24 02/28/25
Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor (BHIP Treatment Facilitator) - EDRP Harlingen, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 03/01/24 02/28/25

30 Jobs Found
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