Federal Government Jobs in Portsmouth, RI

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physician Assistant Newport, RI Pub Defense 01/16/25 01/31/25
Physician Chief of GEC (Open Continuous Announcement) Providence, RI Pub Veterans Affairs 11/16/24 09/30/25
physician psychiatrist Providence, RI Pub Veterans Affairs 01/13/25 09/30/25
QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST (SHIPBUIDLING) Davisville, RI Pub The Navy 10/22/24 04/23/25
QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST (SHIPBUILDING) Davisville, RI Pub The Navy 11/03/24 05/05/25
Recreation Assistant - Doggie Daycare Program Newport, RI Pub The Navy 01/19/25 02/15/25
Recreation Assistant - Liberty Newport, RI Pub The Navy 01/19/25 02/15/25
Recreation Assistant Bowlilng Newport, RI Pub The Navy 01/01/25 01/31/25
Recreation Assistant Lifeguard Newport, RI Pub The Navy 01/19/25 02/15/25
Registered Nurse-Comprehensive Outpatient Mental Health Services Providence, RI Pub Veterans Affairs 01/08/25 01/21/25

44 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page