Federal Government Jobs in Sharpsburg, MD

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT) Leetown, WV Pub Agriculture 12/18/24 12/26/24
Microbiologist (Biosafety) Fort Detrick, MD Pub Defense 12/18/24 12/27/24
BIOLOGICAL SCIENT (HEALTH/MEDICAL) Fort Detrick, MD Pub Defense 12/16/24 12/26/24
Fire Protection Engineer Fairfield, PA Pub Defense 12/05/24 12/19/24
Store Worker Fort Detrick, MD Pub Defense 12/03/24 12/22/24
General Inspection Investigation Enforcement & Compliance Specialist Martinsburg, WV Pub Homeland Security 12/18/24 01/10/25
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT) Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/18/24 12/30/24
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT) Round Hill, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/18/24 12/30/24
Materials Handler Round Hill, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/17/24 12/27/24
Materials Handler Round Hill, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/17/24 12/27/24
Training Specialist Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/17/24 12/24/24
Training Specialist Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/17/24 12/24/24
IT Specialist (ENTARCH) Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/16/24 12/31/24
Financial Management Specialist Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/16/24 12/26/24
Program Manager (Dean) Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/13/24 12/23/24
Program Manager (Dean) Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/13/24 12/23/24
Reports Analyst Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/13/24 12/20/24
Fire Program Specialist Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/12/24 12/23/24
Fire Program Specialist Emmitsburg, MD Pub Homeland Security 12/12/24 12/23/24
Financial Management Specialist (Internal Controls) Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/12/24 12/20/24
Financial Management Specialist (Internal Controls) Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/12/24 12/20/24
Reports Analyst Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/12/24 12/19/24
IT Specialist Winchester, VA Pub Homeland Security 12/10/24 12/19/24
Mariner Training Auditor Compliance Specialist Martinsburg, WV Pub Homeland Security 12/06/24 12/27/24
Waste Water Plant Operator Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 12/17/24 12/26/24
GENERAL ENGINEER Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 12/17/24 01/02/25
DATA SCIENTIST Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 12/16/24 12/26/24
Recreation Aid (Lifeguard) NF-01 Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 10/16/24 01/30/25
Recreation Assistant (Water Safety Instructor) NF-02 Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 10/16/24 01/30/25
Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-01/02 Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 05/09/24 12/26/24
Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-01/02 Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 05/01/24 12/26/24
Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-01/02 Fort Detrick, MD Pub The Army 01/08/24 12/26/24
Biologist Shepherdstown, WV Pub The Interior 12/16/24 12/31/24
Visitor Services Assistant Sharpsburg, MD Pub The Interior 12/16/24 12/20/24
Maintenance Worker Harpers Ferry, WV Pub The Interior 12/12/24 12/26/24
Maintenance Worker Thurmont, MD Pub The Interior 12/08/24 12/23/24
Food Service Worker Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 12/19/24
Licensed Practical Nurse - LTC / CLC B Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 12/30/24
Cook Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 12/20/24
Advanced Medical Laboratory Technician Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 12/19/24
Nursing Assistant-LTC Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/06/24 12/26/24
Registered Nurse - Wound Care Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/03/24 12/19/24
Registered Nurse - Wound Care Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 12/03/24 12/19/24
Physician (Regular Ft) Urologist Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 11/21/24 11/20/25
Physician Deputy Chief Primary Care Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 10/28/24 04/28/25
Physician (Pathologist) Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 10/01/24 12/31/24
Physician (Chief of Surgery) Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 09/16/24 09/15/25
Physician (Chief of Surgery) Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 08/27/24 08/26/25
Physician-Section Chief Gastroenterology-EDRP, Recruitment and Relocation Incentive Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 06/20/24 06/19/25
Physician (Emergency Department) Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 04/25/24 04/24/25
Physician (Regular Ft) Hematology Oncology Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 04/11/24 04/10/25
Physician (Regular Ft) Martinsburg, WV Pub Veterans Affairs 03/22/24 03/21/25
Physician-Primary Care-Hagerstown Maryland CBOC Hagerstown, MD Pub Veterans Affairs 01/12/24 01/10/25
U.S. Probation Officer Martinsburg, WV Pub Judicial Branch 11/01/24 02/01/25
Case Administrator/Courtroom Deputy Martinsburg, WV Pub Judicial Branch 10/21/24 01/22/25

55 Jobs Found
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