Federal Government Jobs in Waianae, HI

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Medical Technician Tripler Army Medical Center, HI Pub Defense 01/30/25 02/10/25
Recreation Aid - Arts & Crafts Center (Ceramics) Honolulu, HI Pub The Navy 01/30/25 02/04/25
HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST Tripler Army Medical Center, HI Pub Defense 01/30/25 02/10/25
Archeologist Fort Shafter, HI Pub The Army 01/29/25 02/13/25
PRECISION STRIKE MISSION PLANNING ANALYST Camp H.M. Smith Marine Corp Base, HI Pub The Navy 01/29/25 04/30/25
MECHANICAL ENGINEER Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Oahu, HI Pub The Navy 01/29/25 02/14/25
APPRENTICE (VARIOUS TRADES) Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Oahu, HI Pub The Navy 01/29/25 02/10/25
Accounting Technician NF-03 Wheeler Army Airfield, HI Pub The Army 01/29/25 02/12/25
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT MANAGER (TITLE 5) Honolulu, HI Pub The Army 01/29/25 02/12/25
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Applications Software/Internet) Schofield Barracks, HI Pub The Army 01/29/25 02/10/25

155 Jobs Found
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