Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physician (Urology) Tallahassee, FL Pub Veterans Affairs 01/30/25 12/31/25
Dental Hygienist Tallahassee, FL Pub Justice 01/21/25 02/04/25
Physician (Primary Care) Tallahassee, FL Pub Veterans Affairs 01/10/25 12/31/25
VOLUNTEER LAW CLERK Tallahassee, FL Pub Justice 12/20/24 02/15/25
Transportation Security Officer Tallahassee, FL Pub Homeland Security 10/15/24 02/06/25
Health Technician (Paramedic) Talladega, AL Pub Justice 01/22/25 02/05/25
Correctional Officer – 12K-23K Hiring Bonus – Direct Hire Talladega, AL Pub Justice 10/01/24 09/30/25
Licensed Practical Nurse (PACT) Tacoma, WA Pub Veterans Affairs 01/31/25 02/14/25
Licensed Practical Nurse (Domiciliary) Tacoma, WA Pub Veterans Affairs 01/31/25 02/11/25
Health Technician (Surgical) Tacoma, WA Pub Defense 01/30/25 02/13/25

9853 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page