Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Construction Control Inspector (SEASONAL) (Open to both U.S. Citizens and Federal Employees) Clovis, CA Pub Transportation 11/14/24 02/12/25
Construction Control Inspector (SEASONAL) (Open to both U.S. Citizens and Federal Employees) Clovis, CA Pub Transportation 11/14/24 02/12/25
Civil Engineer (Highway Construction) {SEASONAL} (DIRECT HIRE) Clovis, CA Pub Transportation 11/14/24 02/12/25
CATERER Clovis, NM Pub The Air Force 02/05/25 02/14/25
COOK Clovis, NM Pub The Air Force 01/30/25 02/11/25
COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR Clovis, NM Pub The Air Force 01/22/25 02/07/25
Social Worker (Mental Health Intensive Case Management) Clovis, NM Pub Veterans Affairs 10/31/24 10/24/25
Social Worker Coatesville, PA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/05/25 02/13/25
Occupational Therapist Coatesville, PA Pub Veterans Affairs 01/24/25 02/10/25
Transportation Security Officer Cody, WY Pub Homeland Security 10/08/24 03/10/25

9966 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page