Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Accountant Millington, TN Pub The Navy 02/04/25 02/18/25
Materials Examiner and Identifier (Fork Lift Operator) Fort Riley, KS Pub Defense 02/04/25 02/11/25
Recreation Aid (Facility Aid) NF-01 Fort Eisenhower, GA Pub The Army 02/04/25 02/12/25
SUPPLY TECHNICIAN (Auto Hobby) Hill AFB, UT Pub The Air Force 02/04/25 02/18/25
Registered Nurse - Cardiology/Electrophysiology Nurse Navigator Columbia, MO Pub Veterans Affairs 02/04/25 02/12/25
Nurse Manager - Connected Care Lexington, KY Pub Veterans Affairs 02/04/25 02/19/25
Judicial Assistant to a Federal Circuit Judge Washington, DC Pub Judicial Branch 02/04/25 05/04/25
Registered Nurse - Community Care Coordinator Seattle, WA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/04/25 02/19/25
PHYSICIAN (PSYCHIATRY) Jacksonville Naval Hospital, FL Pub Defense 02/04/25 02/13/25
VISUAL INFORMATION SPECIALIST Dyess AFB, TX Pub The Air Force 02/04/25 02/11/25

10460 Jobs Found
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