Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physiatrist- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service PMRS- Hampton Hampton, VA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/06/25 09/30/25
HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST (MILITARY) (Title 32) Fort Chaffee, AR Pub The Army 02/06/25 02/21/25
CYP Training & Curriculum Specialist Honolulu, HI Pub The Navy 02/06/25 02/20/25
Nursing Assistant - CLC-A - Intermittent Amarillo, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 02/06/25 05/07/25
MOBILE EQUIPMENT DRIVER EXAMINER (Title 32) Little Rock AFB, AR Pub The Air Force 02/06/25 02/21/25
Physician - Operating Room Anesthesia Lebanon, PA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/06/25 12/31/25
FUEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WORKER (Title 5) Fort Smith, AR Pub The Air Force 02/06/25 02/21/25
Chief Registered Nurse - Spinal Cord Injury Cleveland, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 02/06/25 02/20/25
Security Specialist Atlanta, GA Pub Homeland Security 02/06/25 02/17/25
COOK Pittsburgh, PA Pub The Air Force 02/06/25 04/30/25

10445 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page