Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Police Officer Boston, MA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/14/25 02/27/25
Sales Associate Washington DC, DC Pub Legislative Branch 02/14/25 03/07/25
Registered Nurse, Infection Prevention Control Waco, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 02/14/25 02/25/25
POWER PLANT TRAINEE I Chatsworth, GA Pub The Army 02/14/25 02/27/25
POWER PLANT TRAINEE I Selma, AL Pub The Army 02/14/25 02/27/25
Instructor / Assistant Professor West Point, NY Pub The Army 02/14/25 02/28/25
Lead Medical Support Assistant Shenandoah, IA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/14/25 02/24/25
Lead Recreation Assistant NF-02 Fort Riley, KS Pub The Army 02/14/25 03/17/25
Health Technician (Telehealth Clinical) Fergus Falls, MN Pub Veterans Affairs 02/14/25 02/24/25
Nurse (OB/GYN) Shiprock, NM Pub Health And Human Services 02/14/25 01/31/26

10178 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page