Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Medical Support Assistant Omaha, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 03/14/25
Chaplain (Clinical Pastoral Educator) Oklahoma City, OK Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 04/30/25
IT SPECIALIST (SYSADMIN) Port Hueneme, CA Pub The Navy 12/12/24 03/12/25
Mathematical Statistician Suitland, MD Pub Commerce 12/12/24 03/13/25
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Finegayan, GU Pub The Navy 12/12/24 05/16/25
Lead Medical Support Assistant Lincoln, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 03/14/25
Lead Medical Support Assistant Omaha, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 12/12/24 03/14/25
Supervisory Recreation Fee Technician Highlands, NJ Pub The Interior 12/12/24 06/10/25
Supervisory Recreation Fee Technician Queens, NY Pub The Interior 12/12/24 06/10/25
Seasonal Lead Recreation Fee Highlands, NJ Pub The Interior 12/12/24 06/10/25

9767 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page