Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Nurse (Emergency Room) Parker, AZ Pub Health And Human Services 01/31/25 12/31/25
Nurse (Medical-Surgical-Inpatient) Parker, AZ Pub Health And Human Services 01/30/25 12/31/25
Registered Nurse - Community Living Center Papillion, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 02/10/25 04/11/25
Licensed Practical Nurse - Geriatrics and Extended Care Papillion, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 02/03/25 04/28/25
Optometrist Papillion, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 02/03/25 05/05/25
Nursing Assistant - Geriatrics and Extended Care Papillion, NE Pub Veterans Affairs 01/30/25 04/28/25
Medical Support Assistant (Advanced) Paola, KS Pub Veterans Affairs 03/10/25 09/09/25
Medical Support Assistant (Advanced) Paola, KS Pub Veterans Affairs 03/07/25 09/08/25
Medical Support Assistant (Advanced) Paola, KS Pub Veterans Affairs 03/07/25 09/08/25
Physician Paola, KS Pub Veterans Affairs 02/04/25 02/03/26

9836 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page