Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Dental Assistant (Intermittent) Columbia, SC Pub Veterans Affairs 12/17/24 09/30/25
CHILD AND YOUTH PROGRAM ASSISTANT Hurlburt Field, FL Pub The Air Force 12/17/24 03/17/25
AIRCRAFT MECHANIC LEADER Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 12/17/24 12/16/25
ATTORNEY-ADVISOR (GENERAL) Westfield, MA Pub The Air Force 12/17/24 06/15/25
AUDITOR Carson City, NV Pub The Army 12/17/24 12/16/25
Licensed Practical Nurse (Outpatient) Belcourt, ND Pub Health And Human Services 12/17/24 04/30/25
Transportation Finance Specialist - DIRECT HIRE Juneau, AK Pub Transportation 12/17/24 11/21/25
Transportation Finance Specialist - DIRECT HIRE Wasilla, AK Pub Transportation 12/17/24 11/21/25
Transportation Finance Specialist - DIRECT HIRE Montgomery, AL Pub Transportation 12/17/24 11/21/25
Transportation Finance Specialist - DIRECT HIRE Little Rock, AR Pub Transportation 12/17/24 11/21/25

9346 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page