Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Security System Operations and Maintenance - Leadership Pensacola, FL Pub Homeland Security 02/18/25 03/21/25
Security System Operations and Maintenance - Leadership Washington, DC Pub Homeland Security 02/18/25 03/21/25
Security System Operations and Maintenance - Leadership Chandler, AZ Pub Homeland Security 02/18/25 03/21/25
PURCHASING AGENT Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL Pub The Navy 02/18/25 05/20/25
CHEMIST (INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT) Annapolis, MD Pub The Navy 02/18/25 03/19/25
Boiler Plant Operator Lyons, NJ Pub Veterans Affairs 02/18/25 03/28/25
MECHANICAL ENGINEER Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL Pub The Navy 02/18/25 03/18/25
Contract Specialist (Senior) Kelly AFB, TX Pub The Air Force 02/18/25 03/12/25
Lead Recreation Assistant (Physical Fitness) NF-02 Fort Wainwright, AK Pub The Army 02/18/25 12/31/25
Recreation Aid (Trainee-Lifeguard), NF-01 Fort Stewart, GA Pub The Army 02/18/25 04/18/25

9189 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page