Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Tax Law Specialist - Direct Hire, 6 Month Register Phoenix, AZ Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Tax Law Specialist - Direct Hire, 6 Month Register Glendale, AZ Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Intake Technician (9-Month Register) Dallas, TX Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Intake Technician (9-Month Register) Memphis, TN Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Intake Technician (9-Month Register) Saint Louis, MO Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Intake Technician (9-Month Register) Covington, KY Pub The Treasury 10/30/24 04/30/25
Tax Examining Technician (12 MONTH REGISTER) Dothan, AL Pub The Treasury 10/29/24 07/29/25
Tax Examining Technician (12 MONTH REGISTER) Birmingham, AL Pub The Treasury 10/29/24 07/29/25
Tax Examining Technician (12 MONTH REGISTER) Anchorage, AK Pub The Treasury 10/29/24 07/29/25
Tax Examining Technician (12 MONTH REGISTER) Fairbanks, AK Pub The Treasury 10/29/24 07/29/25

8473 Jobs Found
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