Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Research Plant Pathologist Auburn, AL Pub Agriculture 01/13/25 02/13/25
Supervisory Physician (Family Practice) Fort Liberty, NC Pub Defense 01/13/25 02/07/25
Financial Management Analyst Kelly AFB, TX Pub The Air Force 01/13/25 01/21/25
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Pub The Army 01/13/25 01/16/25
Research Materials Engineer, AST Aerospace Materials (Direct Hire) Hampton, VA Pub National Aeronautics And Space Administration 01/13/25 01/21/25
General Engineer Redstone Arsenal, AL Pub Defense 01/13/25 01/21/25
TECHNICIAN Indian Head, MD Pub The Navy 01/13/25 01/22/25
SMALL CRAFT OPERATOR Washington, DC Pub The Army 01/13/25 01/23/25
Associate Director for Defense Wide Programs (Program/Budget) Pentagon, Arlington, VA Pub Defense 01/13/25 01/27/25
Aerospace Engineer (Flight Test) (Direct Hire) Des Plaines, IL Pub Transportation 01/13/25 02/03/25

10956 Jobs Found
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