Dispatcher Jobs

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Public Safety Dispatcher (Office Automation) Fort Belvoir, VA Pub The Army 02/04/25 02/12/25
Public Safety Telecommunicator (Office Automation) Fort Riley, KS Pub The Army 02/03/25 03/05/25
EMERGENCY RESPONSE DISPATCHER Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL Pub The Navy 02/03/25 08/04/25
Public Safety Telecommunicator (Office Automation) Fort Meade, MD Pub The Army 02/03/25 02/10/25
AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT DISPATCHER Yuma, AZ Pub The Navy 02/03/25 02/10/25
Emergency Services Dispatcher (Direct Hiring Authority) Texarkana, TX Pub The Army 02/02/25 02/17/25
EMERGENCY SERVICES DISPATCHER Washington DC, DC Pub Legislative Branch 01/31/25 03/03/25
EMERGENCY DISPATCHER Yuma, AZ Pub The Navy 01/30/25 02/07/25
EMERGENCY DISPATCHER Yuma, AZ Pub The Navy 01/30/25 02/07/25
Public Safety Telecommunicator (Office Automation) Fort Sill, OK Pub The Army 01/28/25 02/10/25

16 Jobs Found
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