Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Smyrna, TN Pub The Army 01/08/25 01/22/25
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (Title 32) Fort Sill, OK Pub The Army 01/08/25 02/06/25
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Memphis, TN Pub The Army 01/08/25 01/22/25
Surface Maintenance Mechanic (TITLE 32) Draper, UT Pub The Army 10/15/24 09/30/25
Surface Maintenance Mechanic (TITLE 32) Bluffdale, UT Pub The Army 10/15/24 09/30/25
Surface Maintenance Mechanic (TITLE 32) Beaver, UT Pub The Army 10/15/24 09/30/25
Surface Maintenance Mechanic (TITLE 32) American Fork, UT Pub The Army 10/15/24 09/30/25
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Bridgeton, MO Pub The Army 09/02/24 08/28/25
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Bridgeton, MO Pub The Army 09/02/24 08/28/25
SURFACE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (TITLE 32) Fort Leonard Wood, MO Pub The Army 05/24/24 05/23/25

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