Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Contract Specialist Oklahoma City, OK Pub Defense 08/23/24 08/22/25
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer Knoxville, TN Pub The Army 08/23/24 03/31/25
Health Technician (Hearing Instrument Specialist) Decatur, IL Pub Veterans Affairs 08/24/24 02/26/25
Veterinary Medical Officer (Clinical Care) NF-04 Yuma Proving Ground, AZ Pub The Army 08/24/24 02/06/25
Physician - Orthopedic Surgeon Evansville, IN Pub Veterans Affairs 08/25/24 02/28/25
Orthotist-Prosthetist - Advanced Practitioner Aurora, CO Pub Veterans Affairs 08/26/24 02/26/25
Orthotist-Prosthetist - Advanced Practitioner Aurora, CO Pub Veterans Affairs 08/26/24 02/26/25
ITSPEC (CUSTOMER SUPPORT) Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 08/26/24 08/25/25
Supervisory Physician (General Surgery) Pine Ridge, SD Pub Health And Human Services 08/26/24 08/25/25
Pharmacist Pawnee, OK Pub Health And Human Services 08/26/24 07/31/25

10394 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page