Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Registered Nurse-Medical/Surgical 6E (Inpatient) West Haven, CT Pub Veterans Affairs 02/21/25 03/05/25
MWR Motor Vehicle Operator (Spuds Restaurant) First cut off 02/28/2025 Lemoore, CA Pub The Navy 02/21/25 03/07/25
Transportation Security Officer Madison, WI Pub Homeland Security 02/21/25 04/10/25
Food Service Worker (Cashier) Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Pub The Air Force 02/21/25 03/07/25
Bowling Center Manager/Assistant Golf Course Manager Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Pub The Air Force 02/21/25 03/07/25
Marketing Assistant NF-02 Doral, FL Pub The Army 02/21/25 03/10/25
Pharmacist (Staff Pharmacist) Fort Devens, MA Pub Justice 02/21/25 03/07/25
FIREFIGHTER (CREW CHIEF-DRIVER OPERATOR) (Title 32) Peoria, IL Pub The Air Force 02/21/25 02/20/26
Local Hire (Site Inspector Specialist) Houston, TX Pub Homeland Security 02/21/25 03/03/25
Local Hire (Site Inspector Specialist) Austin, TX Pub Homeland Security 02/21/25 03/03/25

11007 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page