General Business And Industry Jobs

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Hospitality Operations Manager (Multiple Hotels and Resorts), NF-05 Fort Sam Houston, TX Pub The Army 12/31/24 01/14/25
Supervisory Recreation Assistant (ITT) Moody AFB, GA Pub The Air Force 12/31/24 01/14/25
OFF-BASE RECREATION AREA MANAGER Moody AFB, GA Pub The Air Force 12/31/24 01/14/25
Operations Assistant NF-02 Fort Riley, KS Pub The Army 12/31/24 01/14/25
Computer Assisted Ordering Technician Elmendorf AFB, AK Pub Defense 01/07/25 01/13/25
ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER, NF-1101-04 Jacksonville, NC Pub The Navy 01/07/25 01/13/25
COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR Dyess AFB, TX Pub The Air Force 01/06/25 01/13/25
Store Associate McChord AFB, WA Pub Defense 01/06/25 01/13/25
Supervisory Computer Assisted Ordering Technician Charleston AFB, SC Pub Defense 01/06/25 01/13/25
CATERER, NF-03 Yongsan, South Korea Pub The Army 01/06/25 01/13/25

222 Jobs Found
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