Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Naval Air Station Key West, FL Pub The Navy 10/24/24 03/24/25
AIRCRAFT SURVIVAL FLIGHT EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (Title 32) Tulsa, OK Pub The Air Force 10/24/24 03/13/25
Dental Assistant Kittery, ME Pub Defense 10/24/24 04/25/25
Pharmacy Technician (Rotational) Columbia, SC Pub Veterans Affairs 10/24/24 09/30/25
Food Service Worker Charleston, SC Pub Veterans Affairs 10/25/24 09/30/25
Nurse Anesthetist-CRNA Kansas City, MO Pub Veterans Affairs 10/25/24 10/24/25
Cyberspace Operations Planner Stuttgart, Germany Pub The Army 10/25/24 04/25/25
Physician (Chief - Emergency Medicine) Charleston, SC Pub Veterans Affairs 10/25/24 09/30/25
Senior Social Worker - Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) Santa Rosa, CA Pub Veterans Affairs 10/25/24 09/15/25
Optometrist Clinton, OK Pub Health And Human Services 10/25/24 09/30/25

10172 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page