Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Food Service Worker (Barista) Misawa AFB, Japan Pub The Air Force 02/26/25 05/27/25
Preservation Servicer (Open to both U.S. Citizens and Federal Employees) Fort Eustis, VA Pub Transportation 02/26/25 05/02/25
Electrician Supervisor Chillicothe, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 02/26/25 03/05/25
Medical Care Transportation Technician - Paramedic Togus, ME Pub Veterans Affairs 02/26/25 03/04/25
Nursing Assistant - Emergency Department Buffalo, NY Pub Veterans Affairs 02/26/25 03/06/25
Child and Youth Program Assistant Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan Pub The Air Force 02/25/25 03/05/25
Medical Support Assistant (Advanced) Albert Lea, MN Pub Veterans Affairs 02/25/25 03/06/25
Health Tech (Dietetic) Salisbury, NC Pub Veterans Affairs 02/25/25 03/12/25
Clinical Laboratory Scientist-Microbiology Cincinnati, OH Pub Veterans Affairs 02/25/25 03/07/25
Physician (Primary Care) Fort Johnson, LA Pub Veterans Affairs 02/25/25 03/10/25

10744 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page