Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
PIPEFITTER Lemoore, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PIPEFITTER Naval Station Complex, San Diego, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PIPEFITTER Coronado, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PIPEFITTER China Lake, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER Ventura, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER Point Loma Complex, San Diego, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER Naval Station Complex, San Diego, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER Lemoore, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER Coronado, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25
PLUMBER China Lake, CA Pub The Navy 06/21/23 07/08/25

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