Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physical Science Technician Boulder, CO Pub Commerce 09/13/24 09/11/25
International Program Specialist (DE) Washington, DC Pub Commerce 09/13/24 03/12/25
Design Patent Examiner Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 09/08/24 01/17/25
Supervisory Physical Science Technician Suitland, MD Pub Commerce 09/02/24 09/02/25
Patent Examiner (Physics) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/22/24 06/16/25
Patent Examiner (Computer Engineer) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/12/24 06/16/25
Patent Examiner (Chemical Engineering) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/12/24 06/16/25
Patent Examiner (Electrical Engineering) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/12/24 06/16/25
Patent Examiner (Biomedical Engineering) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/12/24 06/16/25
Patent Examiner (Mechanical Engineering) and comparable STEM backgrounds Anywhere in the U.S. (remote job) Pub Commerce 08/12/24 06/16/25

12142 Jobs Found
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