Social Science Jobs

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
PRIMARY PREVENTION INTEGRATOR (PREV WF) Twentynine Palms, CA Pub The Navy 07/25/24 07/24/25
Rehabilitation Counselor El Paso, TX Pub Veterans Affairs 08/01/24 07/31/25
SAR WF/ Sexual Harass Prev and Resp Spec/Sexual Assault Prev and Resp Prog Man Eielson AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 09/16/24 09/15/25
SAR WF/ Sexual Harass Prev and Resp Spec/Sexual Assault Prev and Resp Prog Man Elmendorf AFB, AK Pub The Air Force 09/16/24 09/15/25
SAR WF/ Sexual Harass Prev and Resp Spec/Sexual Assault Prev and Resp Prog Man Fort Richardson, AK Pub The Air Force 09/16/24 09/15/25
SAR WF/ Sexual Harass Prev and Resp Spec/Sexual Assault Prev and Resp Prog Man Maxwell AFB, AL Pub The Air Force 09/16/24 09/15/25
Supervisory Mental Health Specialist Kyle, SD Pub Health And Human Services 09/20/24 09/17/25
Work/Life Consultant MacDill AFB, FL Pub The Air Force 10/01/24 09/30/25
Work/Life Consultant Andrews AFB, MD Pub The Air Force 10/01/24 09/30/25
Work/Life Consultant Laughlin AFB, TX Pub The Air Force 10/01/24 09/30/25

138 Jobs Found
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