You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.
Once the announcement has closed, your resume and supporting documentation will be used to determine if you meet the qualifications listed on this announcement. If you are minimally qualified, your resume and supporting documentation will be compared to your responses on the assessment questionnaire to determine your level of experience. If you rate yourself higher than is supported by your application package, your responses may be adjusted and/or you may be excluded from consideration for this position. If you are found to be among the top qualified candidates, you will be referred to the selecting official for employment consideration.
Your qualifications will be evaluated on the following competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics):
Practical knowledge of production control procedures and operations sufficient to collect, compile, correlate, and maintain production data.
Comprehensive knowledge of supply procedures, maintenance operations and equipment reporting, policies, regulations, and procedures governing operations to program workload, shop space, and available personnel on a short and long-term basis.
Comprehensive knowledge of production control, maintenance and supply procedures, management systems, policies, regulations and procedures governing production operations to carry out work.
Practical knowledge of CL IX operations, procedures, and procurement processes to include IMAP funding and execution processes. Ability to effectively budget CL IX funds for each supported unit to maximize equipment readiness.
Knowledge of various types of equipment and capabilities which general purpose machine repairs and special grades shops are capable of performing.
General knowledge of equipment, such as, combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, towed and self propelled artillery, engineer and power generating equipment, tactical vehicles, etc., to correct and analyze a variety of routine production data and processes, prepare production schedules, prepare reporting data, etc.
Knowledge of current automation support programs to input data, provide status of equipment, monitor job order status, monitor work priorities, requisition repair parts, track repair parts status, etc.
Working knowledge of unit readiness, equipment-reporting requirements, reportable systems management as prescribed by the current regulation.
Ability to use current automation programs to produce readiness reports with a high degree of accuracy.