You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.
Your rating will be based on your responses to the job specific information provided in your resume. Your resume must clearly show how you possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities listed below. Failure to demonstrate how you possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities will result in a rating of "Qualified" by the rating panel.
1. Knowledge of effective case management practices, including assessment, planning, coordination, monitoring, and design to promote individual success and compliance with specific goals and objectives in a criminal justice, healthcare, court-related, social services, or comparable setting.
2. Skill in management of criminal justice, healthcare, court-related, social services, or comparable programs, including strategic planning, program evaluation, budget administration, human resource management and technology management.
3. Skill in written and verbal communication with internal staff and external stakeholders including the courts, social services, community-based organizations, and law enforcement agencies.
Once the application process is completed, your application will be reviewed to ensure you meet the job requirements. You will be evaluated on the extent and quality of your experience, education and training. If you meet the basic qualification requirements, your resume will be forwarded to a panel for rating. Category Rating will be used to evaluate applicants using the following categories to further determine which applicants will be referred to the selecting official for final consideration.
Best Qualified: Applicants possessing a background that demonstrates a superior level on all evaluation criteria.
Well Qualified: Applicants possessing a background that demonstrates a satisfactory level on evaluation criteria.
Qualified: Applicants possessing the specialized experience described above.
Application of Veterans' Preference: Category rating and selection procedures place those with veterans' preference above non-veterans within each category. Veterans who meet the eligibility and qualification requirements, and who have a compensable service-connected disability of at least 10% are listed in the highest quality category (Best Qualified), except when the position being filled is scientific or professional at the GS-9 grade level or higher.