Army Jobs

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Supervisory Interdisciplinary Whiteman AFB, MO Pub The Army 12/06/24 01/13/25
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist (Staff Management) Fort Shafter, HI Pub The Army 01/05/25 01/15/25
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist (Operations) Fort Belvoir, VA Pub The Army 01/07/25 01/17/25
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Network Services) Fort Huachuca, AZ Pub The Army 12/16/24 01/13/25
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Customer Support) Kaiserslautern, Germany Pub The Army 01/08/25 01/20/25
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist NF-04 Location Negotiable After Selection Pub The Army 01/08/25 01/22/25
SUPERVISORY GENERAL ENGINEER Fort Leonard Wood, MO Pub The Army 12/26/24 01/10/25
Supervisory Firefighter Fort Campbell, KY Pub The Army 01/08/25 01/16/25
Supervisory Facilities Operations Specialist Vicksburg, MS Pub The Army 01/06/25 01/21/25
SUPERVISORY CONTRACT SPECIALIST (Title 5) Camp J T Robinson, AR Pub The Army 12/27/24 01/13/25

1504 Jobs Found
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