Federal Government Jobs in Elmhurst, NY

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Supervisory Health System Specialist - Open Continuous Announcement New York, NY Pub Veterans Affairs 12/16/24 03/17/25
Supervisory Emergency Management Specialist (Recovery) New York, NY Pub Homeland Security 01/14/25 01/21/25
Supervisory Emergency Management Specialist (Recovery) New York, NY Pub Homeland Security 01/14/25 01/21/25
Student Volunteer- Unclassified Duties (General Legal) New York, NY Pub Commodity Futures Trading Commission 06/25/24 06/24/25
Student Volunteer- Unclassified Duties New York, NY Pub Non-Departmental Agency 01/25/24 01/24/25
Student Contractor Brooklyn, NY Pub Judicial Branch 11/05/24 09/30/25
Staff Pathologist Bronx, NY Pub Veterans Affairs 10/31/24 10/29/25
Seasonal Public Safety Dispatcher Staten Island, NY Pub The Interior 12/20/24 06/18/25
Seasonal Motor Vehicle Operator Staten Island, NY Pub The Interior 12/10/24 06/08/25
Seasonal Motor Vehicle Operator Brooklyn, NY Pub The Interior 12/10/24 06/08/25

123 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page