Federal Government Jobs in Molalla, OR

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Lineman Keizer, OR Pub Energy 05/14/24 02/28/25
Electrician (Maintenance) Keizer, OR Pub Energy 05/30/24 05/29/25
Deckhand (Dual Rate) Portland, OR Pub The Army 06/12/24 05/31/25
Marine Equipment Repairer/Operator (Dual Rate) Portland, OR Pub The Army 06/13/24 05/31/25
Third Mate Dredge Control Officer Hopper Dredge (Direct Hire Authority) Portland, OR Pub The Army 06/14/24 05/31/25
Electrical Engineer Portland, OR Pub The Army 09/02/24 02/28/25
Transportation Security Officer Salem, OR Pub Homeland Security 09/13/24 03/28/25
Transportation Security Officer Portland, OR Pub Homeland Security 09/14/24 03/28/25
Land Surveyor (Direct Hire Authority) Portland, OR Pub The Army 10/01/24 02/04/25
Social Worker Salem, OR Pub Health And Human Services 11/21/24 02/28/25

69 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page