Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Physical Therapist Clinical Specialist (PACT) Tuskegee, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 11/18/24 09/30/25
Physical Therapist (Clinical Specialist-Active Management of Pain) Tuskegee, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 10/31/24 09/30/25
PHYSICIAN- PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (PAIN MANAGEMENT) Tuskegee, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 10/29/24 09/30/25
Environmental Services Technician Tuscaloosa, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 01/13/25 04/15/25
Hydrologist Tuscaloosa, AL Pub Commerce 11/18/24 02/18/25
Physician - Neurologist Tuscaloosa, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 10/25/24 09/30/25
Information Technology Specialist (CUSTSPT) Tuscaloosa, AL Pub Veterans Affairs 05/28/24 05/27/25
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center (PRRC) Nurse Tulsa, OK Pub Veterans Affairs 01/31/25 02/10/25
Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist Tulsa, OK Pub Veterans Affairs 01/31/25 02/18/25
Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist Tulsa, OK Pub Veterans Affairs 01/31/25 02/19/25

10895 Jobs Found
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