Federal Jobs located in the United States

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Transportation Security Officer Spokane International Airport, WA Pub Homeland Security 10/11/24 04/03/25
SECURITY SPECIALIST Beale AFB, CA Pub The Air Force 10/11/24 09/30/25
SECURITY SPECIALIST Buckley AFB, CO Pub The Air Force 10/11/24 09/30/25
SECURITY SPECIALIST Patrick AFB, FL Pub The Air Force 10/11/24 09/30/25
SECURITY SPECIALIST Robins AFB, GA Pub The Air Force 10/11/24 09/30/25
Advanced Laboratory Medical Technician Indianapolis, IN Pub Veterans Affairs 10/11/24 03/31/25
General Engineer Fort McCoy, WI Pub The Army 10/11/24 02/11/25
Wildland Firefighter (Assistant Engine Captain)(DHA) Bakersfield, CA Pub The Interior 10/11/24 04/11/25
Wildland Firefighter (Assistant Engine Captain)(DHA) Bishop, CA Pub The Interior 10/11/24 04/11/25
Wildland Firefighter (Assistant Engine Captain)(DHA) Lee Vining, CA Pub The Interior 10/11/24 04/11/25

10214 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page