Federal Government Jobs Search Results

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Custodial Worker Minot AFB, ND Pub The Air Force 09/16/24 03/21/25
Research Agricultural Engineer / Research Physical Science (Research Associate) Fort Collins, CO Pub Agriculture 08/20/24 03/21/25
Cardiologist (Regular Ft) Togus, ME Pub Veterans Affairs 07/09/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Tax Examining Technician (Group/Unit Manager) (12 month register) Philadelphia, PA Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Tax Examining Technician (Group/Unit Manager) (12 month register) Kansas City, MO Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Tax Examining Technician (Group/Unit Manager) (12 month register) Chamblee, GA Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Tax Examining Technician (Group/Unit Manager) (12 month register) Covington, KY Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Contact Representative (Customer Service Group Manager) (12 month register) West Des Moines, IA Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Contact Representative (Customer Service Group Manager) (12 month register) Oakland, CA Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25
Supervisory Contact Representative (Customer Service Group Manager) (12 month register) Denver, CO Pub The Treasury 06/04/24 03/21/25

9168 Jobs Found
100 Results/Page