Positions filled based upon the need and request from the school. Applicants must select school location(s) within their local commuting area they wish to be considered for.
The Dual Compensation Act prohibits an individual from receiving pay from more than one position for more than an aggregate of forty (40) hours of work in one calendar week. This prohibition applies to employees paid from either appropriated or non-appropriated funds, or a combination thereof, and includes temporary, part-time, flex-time, and intermittent appointments.
Time and attendance maintained and monitored by the home school. Home school is the specific school the Substitute is assigned to at time of hire. Substitutes may be shared between all other schools within complex at the discretion of the home school.
LIVING QUARTERS ALLOWANCE (LQA) AND PAYMENT OF TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. Locality pay does not apply in the overseas area. Locality rates of pay in CONUS will not be used for pay setting when transferring to an overseas/foreign area.
Citizenship/Ordinarily Resident Status: Applicants must be US citizens covered by the applicable Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) via other command-sponsored military, civilian, or eligible contractor employment - either on their own, or as an eligible dependent of a sponsor with SOFA certification and not considered Ordinarily Resident under the applicable SOFA. An ordinarily resident is anyone who has lived in the host country longer than the allowed number of days without being a member of the forces assigned, civilian component or a family member of either the aforementioned or who has obtained a work permit for any duration. Ordinarily Resident restrictions apply and vary depending on host nation.
This position does NOT confer SOFA certification.
Family member appointments may not exceed 2 months after an employee is no longer considered a family member within the local commuting area due to PCS or divorce of sponsor or, in the case of a child, the age of 23. Family members are defined according to the DODI 1400.25, Vol.1232 as: For a military member whose duty station is in a foreign area, the member's spouse or unmarried dependent child. For a civilian US employee as defined by section 2105 of Title 5, United States Code, the employee's spouse, domestic partner, or unmarried dependent child, or unmarried child of the employee's spouse or domestic partner. A family member must physically reside with his or her sponsor to receive family member preference.
Lack of supporting documentation will result in the agency's inability to recognize preference status for this announcement.
Federal Benefits: Temporary, intermittent appointments without an established regular tour of duty are excluded by regulation from leave accrual, health insurance, life insurance, and retirement benefits.