Federal Government Jobs in Saint Charles, MO

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Jobtitle Job Location Public Department Posted Deadline
Security Police Officer Jefferson Barracks, MO Pub Air National Guard Units 01/10/25 01/09/26
Interdisciplinary Engineer (Electronics) Saint Louis, MO Pub Defense 02/20/25 03/10/25
Geodetic Surveyor Saint Louis, MO Pub Defense 02/09/25 03/01/25
Geodetic Surveyor Saint Louis, MO Pub Defense 02/09/25 03/01/25
Medical Advisor Saint Louis, MO Pub Defense 02/09/25 03/01/25
Transportation Security Officer Bridgeton, MO Pub Homeland Security 02/10/25 03/14/25
IT SPECIALIST (PLCYPLN) (TITLE 5) Jefferson Barracks, MO Pub The Air Force 02/12/25 03/14/25
POLICE OFFICER (TITLE 5) Jefferson Barracks, MO Pub The Air Force 02/12/25 03/03/25
POLICE OFFICER (TITLE 5) Jefferson Barracks, MO Pub The Air Force 01/10/25 01/09/26
IT SPECIALIST (CUSTSPT) (TITLE 32) Jefferson Barracks, MO Pub The Air Force 08/17/24 08/15/25

38 Jobs Found
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